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МОНГОЛЫН ХҮН АМЫН СЭТГҮҮЛ Дугаар (367) 20, 2011


malnutrition may be ordinally related

(Development economics, Debraj Ray), I

study also the nutrient consumption by poverty

status. Moreover, I will estimate an indicator

of fist goal of Millennium Development

Goal (MDG), which is the proportion of

undernourished people.



Nutrient consumption is one of

measure of food security issues. A common

acceptable definition of food security exists.

Yet, the concept of food security is understood

and used differently depending on the context,

timeframe and geographical region in question.

“Food security” is a flexible concept and is

usually applied at three levels of aggregation:

national, regional and household or individual.

At the 1996 World Food Summit, food security

was defined as follows: “Food security exists

when all people, at all times, have physical,

social and economic access to sufficient food

which meets their dietary needs and food

preferences for an active and healthy life”

(FAO, 1996). This definition is well accepted

and widely used (Food security, Poverty

and Nutrition Policy Analysis. Suresh Babu,

Prabuddha Sanyal).

The three core determinants of food security

are: 1) food availability, 2) food access and 3)

food utilization.

Food availability:

Information on food

availability usually comes from national,

regional and subregional food balance sheets.

However this indicator doesn’t provide

information on food security at the household


Food access:

Household food access is

measured through food or nutrient intake at

the household level. This is usually reported

in “adult equivalent” units to facilitate

comparison among individuals within a

household as well as among households. The

adult equivalent unit is a system of weighting

household members according to the calorie

requirements for different age and sex groups.

Food utilization:

Food intake data, following





are evaluated by comparing them with


In this study indicators of food access and food

utilization are examined to illustrate the pattern

of nutrient consumption in Mongolia.

The state of food insecurity in the World 2010.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

concludes that the number of undernourished



in the World remains unacceptably

high at near the one billon mark despite an

expected decline in 2010 for the first time

since 1995. This decline is largely attributable

to increased economic growth foreseen in

2010-particularly in developing countries-

and the fall in international food prices since

2008. The recent increase in food price, if it

persists, will create additional obstacles in the

fight to further reduce hunger. However, a total

of 925 million people are still estimated to be

undernourished in 2010, representing almost

16 per cent of the population of developing

countries. The fact that nearly a billion people

remain hungry even after the recent food and

financial crises have largely passed indicates

a deeper structural problem that gravely

threatens the ability to achieve internationally

agreed goals on hunger reduction: the first

Millennium Development Goal and the 1996

World Food Summit goal.

National children and woman nutrition survey

of Mongolia (2004) reports that 19.6 per cent

of all Mongolian children 6-59 months old

suffered from chronic malnutrion


or stunting

and 6.7 per cent were underweight. In total, 4.2

per cent of mothers of 6-59 month old children

are malnourished. Of note is the finding that

almost 30 per cent are overweight.

The survey on “Food security and livelihoods

in the small urban centers of Mongolia

(2008)” was conducted covering 4 aimag

centers-prefecture centers of the country. The

results of this assessment provide, for the first

time, empirical evidence of food insecurity

among aimag center residents in Mongolia


Undernourishment exists when calorie intake is below the minimum

dietary energy requirement (MDER)


Body Mass Index approach were used.