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The Economist

May 5th 2018


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OON JAE-IN is an optimist with an

eye for symbolism. When the South

Korean president travelled to Berlin in July

2017 to outline his strategy for easing ten-

sions on the Korean peninsula, he insisted

on speaking in a place that was associated

with German unity. Only two days earlier,

Kim JongUn, the North’s leader, had tested

his first intercontinental ballistic missile.

But Mr Moon made an impassioned case

for peace, hoping the roomwhere officials

fromEast andWestGermanyhadnegotiat-

ed the unification of their countries in1990

would convey his dreamof a united Korea.

The plan thatMrMoon outlined inGer-

many was easy to dismiss as rosy-specta-

cled. It included inviting a North Korean

delegation to the Winter Olympics in

South Korea, reviving reunions of separat-

ed families and possibly arranging a meet-

ing between himself and Mr Kim. If that

did not sound wishful enough, he also

called onNorth Korea to give up its nuclear

and missile programmes. In the ten

months since then, however, much of

what Mr Moon envisaged has become re-

ality. Well, sort of.

On April 27th Mr Kim and Mr Moon

met in the demilitarised zone (


) be-

tween the two Koreas. Threats by North

Korea to turn Seoul into a “sea of fire” were

all but forgotten as Mr Kimmade history—

and melted South Korean hearts—by step-

pingover the dividing line, makinghimthe

first North Korean leader to enter the South

only concrete, verifiable actions by that

country’s regime, and never its words. Vet-

erans of talks with the North winced,

therefore, when Donald Trump, America’s

president, used a Rose Garden press con-

ference on April 30th to ponder aloud

where to fete his historic achievement,

should his planned summit lead to peace.

Some aides had suggested neutral ven-

ues for the summit like Singapore, the pres-

ident noted. But Mr Trump likes the


because “if things work out, there’s a great

celebration to be had, on the site.” To ex-

plain his showman’s sense that a “big

event” could be in the offing, Mr Trump

pointed to Mr Kim’s words, and specifical-

ly to the young dictator’s recent talkof end-

ing nuclear testing, ballistic-missile

launches and related research. He said Mr

Kim had “lived up to that for a longer per-

iod of time than anybody has seen”.

Nevermind the trivia

Actually, during previous cycles of pro-

mise-making and -breaking North Korea

has sometimes gone two-and-a-half years

between nuclear tests. Its most recent blast

was less than six months ago. But details

cannot slow Mr Trump when he senses a

win in the offing for which he can take

credit. And there yawns a great analytical

divide between aides who serve Mr

Trump today and veterans of previous


contemplates the upcoming Trump-Kim

summit, they see a historic event that will

begin as awin for their boss—a vindication

of his unprecedented toughness.

Asked on FoxNews


whether Ameri-

ca can possibly trust Mr Kim, Mike Pom-

peo, the newly confirmed secretary of

state, preferred to discuss a happier

thought: that the young North Korean

leader only “wants this meeting” because

of Mr Trump and the international co-

since the end of the hot phase of the Kore-

an war in 1953. The summit—only the third

of its kind and the first in a decade—al-

lowed many in the South to engage in a

willing suspension of disbelief and see Mr

Kim as an ebullient charmer, rather than a

despot who runs the world’s most reclu-

sive and repressive regime. The encounter,

broadcast live, drew applause and tears of

joy fromSouth Koreans.

And there was more than just theatrics,

or so it seemed. Days before the meeting

Mr Kim had declared an end to his testing

of long-range missiles and the closure of

his nuclear test site at Punggye-ri in the

north of the country. At the summit he told

MrMoon that SouthKorean andAmerican

experts—journalists even—would be invit-

ed to check that the Punggye-ri facility had

indeed been closed. And North Korea

would move to the same time-zone as the

South. A peninsula that recently had

seemedperilouslyclose toa resumptionof

warwas beginning, in the eyes ofmanyob-

servers in the South, tomove closer to last-

ing peace. A poll conducted after the sum-

mit suggested that 65% of South Koreans

trusted the North, up from just 15% before

the meeting. A different poll found that Mr

Moon’s approval rating had hit 86%, up

from 73%. On social media, people began

referring toMr Kimas “cute”.

But experience has taught American of-

ficials harsh lessons about North Korean

promises. The first andmost basic: to cheer

The Korean peninsula

Give peace a chance, redux


The Koreanhoneymoon ismore likely to end in tears than in celebrations


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39 Indonesia’s infrastructure splurge

40 A close call in Karnataka

40 Stuff and nonsense in India