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Bloomberg Businessweek

May 14, 2018



○ Annuities earned a reputation for high costs and complexity.

But the right kind could help


Solution FewLove

Saving for retirement is hard enough, but another

diicult challenge is making sure the money lasts.

Invest your nest egg conservatively, and you might

not be able to stretch the money out, especially

if you live longer than you expect. Putting more

in the stock market could keep the pile growing—

but once you stop adding money, a streak of bad

returns could decimate your stake and leave you

little chance to recover.

For years many retirement experts have pointed

to a potential solution: annuities. In its simplest

form, buying an annuity involves taking part of

your savings and handing it over to an insurance

company. The insurer then pays out a guaranteed

income for the rest of your life. In theory, putting

at least part of retirement savings into an annuity

can make sure you always have some income no

matter what the markets do.

Even so, annuities gained a bad reputation in

some circles. Many annuities are really investment

products combined with insurance, with the option

of creating a stream of annuity income as just one

of their features. The commission-based sales

model common in the insurance industry often

meant that agents and inancial advisers had incen-

tives to push higher-cost annuities. Those products

sometimes locked up the money for more than a

decade before an investor could withdraw funds

without paying a hefty penalty. And complex rules

governing how that money was invested—explained

in ilings running 100 pages or more—left many

scratching their heads in confusion.

The insurance industry says it’s gotten the mes-

sage. It was prodded in part by Obama-era rules

from the U.S. Department of Labor that took aim

at conlicts of interest in investment advice. In

2016 and 2017, sales of annuities dropped as advis-

ers faced uncertainty about the impact of the new

regulations. Insurers created products redesigned

to win back advisers and a skeptical public. Many

pay advisers through fees rather than commissions,

sidestepping some conlict of interest worries.

Pathway Financial Advisors, a fee-based irm

with oices in Vermont and Georgia, steered clear

of annuities for years. “Historically, insurance

products have been sold and not bought,” says

founder Scott Beaudin. Last year he added an annu-

ity to a client’s portfolio for the irst time, largely

because the products have become “simpler.”

But the Labor Department’s conlict of inter-

est rules are in trouble. In March a U.S. appeals

court struck them down, saying they were out-

side the department’s authority and “unreason-

able”; the Trump administration hasn’t appealed.

And some think the improvements to annuities

aren’t enough. “From my perspective, there hav-

en’t been any real dramatic changes in product

design,” says Ken Nuss, chief executive oicer of

AnnuityAdvantage, an online marketplace. Andrew

Komarow, co-founder of Talcott Financial Group in

Farmington, Conn., says the main diference is that

the new products are being aggressively marketed

to fee-based advisers.

Retirement funding has become a more press-

ing issue as baby boomers age out of the work-

force. According to data from the Employee Beneit

Research Institute, total individual retirement sav-

ings in the U.S. are more than $4 trillion short of

what’s needed. Boomers are living longer than pre-

vious generations, and many worry they’ll run out

of money. “They start hoarding, and they’re afraid

to spend anything,” says Ted Goldman, senior pen-

sion fellow at the American Academy of Actuaries.

“Annuities and protection products actually

have an opportunity to solve that,” says Jamie Price,

CEO of the Advisor Group, a network of indepen-

dent advisers. “The problem is some of them have

high costs, and I think that they need to rethink

how they build their products and services.”

More investors may one day buy annuities with-

out going through advisers or agents. Under the

Obama administration, regulators made it easier




