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Bloomberg Businessweek

May 14, 2018


better explain to me why I should have it over

passive investing,” tweeted Austin Johnsen, head

of corporate development at the game streaming

site Twitch Interactive Inc.

Wealthfront’s plunge into risk parity represents

one of the biggest attempts yet to take the strategy

into the mainstream. A handful of other mutual

funds ofer some version of the approach, but

it’s largely been the domain of hedge funds and

institutional investors. There may be as much

as $500 billion invested in risk parity, making it

common enough that it’s sometimes singled out

as a likely suspect—fairly or not—for unexplained

bouts of volatility in stock and bond markets. Last

year, Paul Tudor Jones II, the billionaire founder

of Tudor Investment Corp., said risk parity could

act as “the hammer on the downside” when tur-

moil returns to equity markets as managers rush

to adjust their strategies.

So what the heck is it? The strategy begins from

a premise familiar to many investors: diversiica-

tion. For example, in addition to stocks, you want

to have some bonds, which won’t necessarily fall

in value at the same time as equities. The problem,

risk-parity advocates say, is that even if you’re split

pretty evenly between stocks and bonds, most of

the volatility in your portfolio will come from the

equities. In a bear market, holding even a little bit

in stocks can expose you to losses. You can equal-

ize this by tilting more heavily to bonds, but then

you end up in a low-risk portfolio that gives up

potential return.

Many risk-parity funds try to solve this with

leverage. A manager might create a portfolio heav-

ily exposed to the bond market but do so using

derivatives that increase the value of the fund’s

bets, magnifying potential gains as well as poten-

tial losses. The hope is that the fund will provide

some protection when the stock market drops but

deliver higher returns than a simple bond-heavy

portfolio. Throw in exposure to other asset classes,

such as commodities, real estate investment trusts,

and emerging-market bonds, and the risk is even

more spread out.

Risk parity looked really good during the inan-

cial crisis, when stocks fell sharply. A long stretch

of strong bond returns also helped. But lately

bond yields have been rising, with the benchmark

10-year Treasury at about 3 percent. (Bonds fall in

value as yields and interest rates rise.) JPMorgan

Asset Management, Jefrey Gundlach of DoubleLine

Capital, and others say a bond bear market is on

the way. If so, some risk-parity strategies could be

in for a bumpier ride.

The approach varies in terms of how complicated

or simple it is, with each irm having its own spin.

Wealthfront’s fund gets leveraged exposure to asset

classes using derivatives called swaps. The fund

reweights investments to try to keep the portfolio

at a set level of annual volatility, but that’s just a tar-

get. The prospectus says actual volatility could fall

above or below the fund’s goal. Wealthfront’s web-

site says it doesn’t consider this active management,

because it’s a “rules-based” approach.

Risk-parity elements such as leverage and

other complicated inputs have historically been

conined to quantitative money managers work-

ing with sophisticated investors. There’s a reason

for that. Individual investors shouldn’t be putting

money in strategies they don’t understand well,

says Maneesh Shanbhag, who, after ive years at

Bridgewater, co-founded Greenline Partners. “The

issue isn’t that it’s a bad strategy. It’s that investors

don’t know when they’ll underperform and outper-

form and why,” he says. “They’ll sell at the bottom,

while an informed investor stays in.”

Wealthfront has acknowledged some investor

qualms, speciically about costs. The risk-parity

fund originally had an expense ratio of 0.5 per-

cent of assets per year. That compares with

expenses averaging 0.15 percent for other ETFs in

Wealthfront’s portfolios. Because of the backlash,

the company cut its expense ratio to 0.25 percent

just a couple of months after the fund’s launch.

Andy Rachlef, a co-founder of Wealthfront, told

Bloomberg News in April he was caught by sur-

prise when customers were upset about the higher

fee. “We thought continuing our policy of always

delivering existing services at better prices than

available would be compelling,” he said, adding

that if he could launch the product over again, he

would have chosen the lower fee to begin with.

“Most of our clients shared our excitement on

the launch of Risk Parity, and we have signiicant

assets committed to the fund,” says Wealthfront

spokeswoman Kate Wauck. About $900 million is

committed, although some is still in the process

of being moved to the fund in a tax-eicient way.

Investing by and large has been getting simpler

for individuals, who can diversify broadly across

markets at a very low cost. But fund companies and

advisers still want to be able to ofer an edge to jus-

tify even low fees in an increasingly cost-competitive

market. “I look at it as this race occurring to add

more strategies, more capabilities,” says Devin Ryan,

an analyst at JMP Securities LLC. In short, complex-

ity isn’t dead.

—Julie Verhage and Dani Burger

THE BOTTOM LINE Wealthfront built its business on helping

people get into simple, low-cost investments. Now it’s putting some

clients into a strategy favored by hedge funds.

○ Rachlef