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Bloomberg Businessweek

October 8, 2018



○ Germany’s Sparkassen could pose a hidden threat to European financial stability

AreGermany’s Savings Banks

ALittle TooCozy?

Regensburg has all the attributes typical of his-

toric German cities: a 12th century bridge across

the Danube, a 500-year-old bratwurst stand, a

palace with a real-life princess—and a mayor who

serves on the board of the local savings bank.

And as happens periodically in places across

Germany, the relationship between the bank and

City Hall stands at the center of a controversy.

Mayor Joachim Wolbergs has been suspended

pending the outcome of a trial for alleged corrup-

tion related in part to his side job as chairman

of the bank’s supervisory board. The accusations

involve campaign donations from a real estate

developer, rights to coveted land, and a low-

interest, €4.5 million ($5.2 million) loan approved

while the mayor headed the board.

The trial, which started on Sept. 24, high-

lights what many economists say are overly

cozy ties between politicians and Germany’s 385

public-sector savings banks, known as Sparkassen.

Those close links are at the heart of concerns

about hidden risks to the country’s inancial sys-

tem, which has shown signs of strain as giants

Deutsche Bank AG and Commerzbank AG struggle

with low profitability and strategic missteps.

“The largest banking system in Germany is pre-

dominantly controlled and monitored by people

whose inancial expertise is questionable,” says

Ralf Jasny, a business professor at the Frankfurt

University of Applied Sciences.

Each Sparkasse is nominally independent, and

they mostly lack the “too-big-to-fail” heft of the

leading Frankfurt banks, falling below the radar

of the European Central Bank and its oversight of

top inancial institutions. While a wave of merg-

ers has reduced the number of Sparkassen by

almost half since the 1990s, the system remains

fragmented. The biggest is the Hamburg aili-

ate, with 130 oices, and several have just a sin-

gle branch. But together they control €1.2 trillion

in assets, which would make them the country’s

second-biggest lender, after Deutsche Bank. The

logo they share—a stylized red “S”—is present

in just about every neighborhood in Germany,

they backstop one another in case of inancial

trouble, and they’re barred from encroaching on

one another’s territory. “A rapid rise in interest

rates could cause problems for all of them simul-

taneously,” says Isabel Schnabel, inance profes-

sor at the University of Bonn and a member of

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s council of economic

advisers. “We could get to a point where there are

too many to fail.”

Flush with deposits from Germany’s famously

thrifty citizenry, the Sparkassen are a dominant

force in retail banking, especially in rural areas.

About 60 percent of the population has a relation-

ship with a Sparkasse, according to ratings com-

pany DBRS Ltd., and on the surface, the banks

look like paragons of prudence. They face little

pressure to maximize proits, and what money

they do make gets reinvested or goes into public

cofers. Their local focus means they prefer con-

servative, low-margin loans to riskier inancial

instruments, and no Sparkasse has defaulted

since the 1970s, when a shared safety net was set

up. But critics point to the example of Germany’s

Landesbanken, a network of wholesale banks

that invest money from the Sparkassen on inter-

national markets. After disastrous bets on U.S.

subprime loans and other blunders a decade ago,

those institutions had to be bailed out, costing

taxpayers more than €30 billion.

In March, Fitch Ratings Inc. cautioned that

most of the Sparkassen’s long-term assets are

mortgages and other instruments that lock in

today’s low rates, but their deposits tend to be

short-term savings accounts that would have to be

repriced more quickly if rates were to rise. That

would hit Sparkassen harder than bigger banks,

which have more diverse portfolios. And their

dependence on local business gives them nowhere

to turn if Germany’s economy falters. “A slump

could lead to a chain reaction of savings bank

insolvencies, which would be diicult or impos-

sible for the Sparkasse system to absorb,” says

Reint Gropp, president of the Halle Institute for

Economic Research.

○ Wolbergs