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Bloomberg Businessweek

October 8, 2018


A couple came into Mike Giefer’s Minneapolis

oice in late September for some inancial plan-

ning advice. The woman presented herself as the

risk-averse one and her husband as the inancial

maverick. Then Giefer had them take a test. “It

turned out the exact opposite,” he says. Giefer,

an adviser at the Johnston Group, uses Riskalyze,

an online tool that gauges clients’ risk tolerance

by walking them through various inancial scenar-

ios and then assigning them a “risk number.” The

woman scored a 70. Her husband, only a 52.

Women are often cast as conservative when it

comes to investing, but the results for Giefer’s cli-

ents should be no surprise. In a sampling of 5 mil-

lion users over the last ive years, women fell

pretty evenly across the risk spectrum, Riskalyze

found in data provided exclusively to Bloomberg.

Only 37 percent of women have a below-average

tolerance for risk, 25 percent have an average tol-

erance, and 38 percent have an above-average

tolerance. “The data show that the stereotypi-

cal risk-averse woman is not a reality,” says Aaron

Klein, chief executive oicer of Riskalyze.

Riskalyze did ind that more men—about 51 per-

cent—showed an above-average taste for risk. But

when it comes to picking investments, women

don’t act particularly risk-averse, even compared

with men. Another recent survey of 640,000

investors by Stash, an investing app, found that

about 50 percent of women using the app have

put money in higher-risk assets including equi-

ties or aggressive exchange-traded funds, such as

an asset-allocation fund that favors stocks. Men

and women devoted about the same percentage

of their portfolios, on average, to stocks—the more

volatile investment.

“It seems especially small-minded to believe

that the genders think completely diferently,”

says Carol Fabbri, an adviser in Denver with Fair

Advisors. “I believe experiences with money

shape people’s risk aversion, not their hormones.”

The idea that women are inherently less likely

to take risks comes from conirmation bias, says

Julie Nelson, an economics professor at the

University of Massachusetts at Boston. In other

words, people, including researchers, think of

women as less aggressive, so they look for ways

to prove it. In a book and two meta-analyses of

the studies on the subject, Nelson has found this

notion doesn’t hold up. “It turns out the evidence

is very mixed, and where a diference exists it is

small,” she says. Any differences in investing

behavior between men and women have little to

do with biology. “To the extent diferences are

found, it can be from investment advice, it can

be from social pressure: Don’t stick your neck

out,” Nelson says.

Sallie Krawcheck, co-founder and CEO of

Ellevest Inc., an investing platform for women,

has said that in addition to the gender pay gap,

there’s an investing gap. Only about half of women

have started saving for retirement, compared with

65 percent of men, according to a 2015 survey of

27,500 investors by BlackRock Inc. Even those

who’ve started saving have accumulated less than

half the savings men have.

And there lies the real difference between

male and female investors. Men tend to have

more money than women, which colors their

investing behavior. People with a bigger income

have a higher risk tolerance, and that applies to

women, too. A report from Spectrem Group found

that 54 percent of women who earn more than

$200,000 are willing to take “a signiicant invest-

ment risk” to earn higher returns, compared with

32 percent of the broader population of investors.

Kerri Kimball, a inancial adviser in New York,

confirms that her clients, who are primarily

women executives and professionals, are “very

competitive” investors. “They’ll take risks, but

they’ll be calculated risks,” she says. There’s

something to this. One famous study from the

University of California at Davis did ind a difer-

ence in how men and women traded. Due to over-

conidence, men traded more often and had worse

returns as a result. Many inancial planners say

their female clients tend to prepare more before

making investment decisions.

Still, many women have internalized the mes-

sage that they don’t like to take chances with their

savings. The Stash survey found that only 13 per-

cent of women rated themselves as having a high

risk tolerance; 35 percent of female users rated

themselves as having a low risk tolerance. Those

numbers don’t line up with their behavior.

“There are many stereotypes that persist about

women and money that are likely due to the fact that

women have been left out of the inancial-services

industry for so long,” says Alexandra Phelan, the

data scientist who led the Stash study. “We’re told

that money is the man’s world. It’s not hard to

believe that women perceive themselves as more

risk-averse.” That’s a problem if it means women are

guided by advisers to take less risk than they can

handle. Because higher risk can mean higher returns

over the long run, playing it too safe can make the

investment gap even wider.

—Rebecca Green eld

THE BOTTOM LINE Women are less likely than men to describe

themselves as high-risk investors. But the diference may have

more to do with labels than actual behavior.

○ Share of women with

above-average risk

tolerance, according

to Riskalzye
