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Bloomberg Businessweek

October 8, 2018

as AlMasoud. The Kuwaiti’s immigration law-

yer called his Wall Street oice to tell him that

without the startup visa, which could have been

granted under a plan known as the International

Entrepreneur Rule, he had two weeks to leave the

U.S. That afternoon, AlMasoud spent hours sit-

ting by the East River, looking out at the Brooklyn

Bridge. The thought running through his mind:

How do I tell my 5-year-old daughter I failed?

As it turned out, he didn’t have to. Flair Inc.,

his inancial technology startup, incorporated

in June and is starting to hire engineers who can

develop its money-management web services for

pro athletes. It’s just not in the U.S. Flair is hiring

in Vancouver, where AlMasoud was one of the irst

people accepted to a startup visa program that

looks a lot like the fast-track plan under Barack

Obama that Trump blew up. In the past 18 months,

similar programs with a range of perks have

sprung up in at least a dozen countries, including

the U.K., China, Japan, Israel, Germany, Estonia,

Australia, and New Zealand. As with many of his

peers, the irst choice was always America, says

AlMasoud, whose startup is among 130 created by

people admitted to Canada’s new visa program

since February.

Immigrant founders and co-founders have a

strong track record in Silicon Valley (see Google,

Tesla, EBay, Stripe), as do the children of immi-

grants (Apple, Oracle,

). But the

Valley’s fabled Sand Hill Road is no longer the cen-

ter of the venture capital world, and as the Trump

administration continues to increase restrictions

on most forms of immigration, other locales are

even more eager than usual to frame themselves as

the next great innovation hub. Startups are doing

a lot more venue shopping than they used to, says

Merilin Lukk, who runs Estonia’s recruiting pro-

gram and has brought at least 160 founders to the

country since last year, creating about 440 jobs.

Countries have been ofering all kinds of perks

to diferentiate themselves. A new program in

Israel throws in a $20,000 relocation bonus, a local

accountant, Hebrew classes, a yearly light home,

and a paid-for cellphone. Other ofers include

low-interest loans, six-day visa processing, and,

most important, the equivalent of a green card.

“The ight over tech talent is not something that

is coming in the future. It’s happening right now,”

says Kate Mitchell, the founder of Scale Venture

Partners in Foster City, Calif. “And we are losing.”

That may be a bit of an overstatement for the

time being, but the U.S. certainly isn’t trying

to match those ofers. The Trump administra-

tion derailed the legacy Obama program a week



before its planned rollout last year, and although a

lawsuit by the National Venture Capital Association

managed to force the feds to eyeball a prelimi-

nary handful of applications, a spokesman for

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services says the

program “does not adequately protect U.S. inves-

tors and U.S. workers” and that the agency intends

to scrap the program as soon as it has inished

reviewing public comments on the matter.

The move is part of a broader set of moves to

restrict immigration visas, including the H-1B

visas that have historically gone overwhelmingly

to tech workers. Critics of the program, including

labor advocates as well as Trump-style national-

ists, say the visas have too often been abused by

outsourcers and companies that simply want to

pay workers less. There may be some truth to that:

More than 50 percent of the country’s working

science and engineering Ph.D.s are foreign-born.

But another way to look at those numbers is that

America needs immigrants.

Canada is one of many countries that seem less

conlicted, says AlMasoud, who’s enjoying his

AlMasoud joined

Canada’s visa

program instead