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28 United States

The Economist

September 22nd 2018


HEN Clarence Thomas, rigid with anger, accused the Sen-

ate judiciary committee of subjecting him to a “high-tech

lynching for uppity blacks”, white America winced. Late in the

process to confirm Mr Thomas’s appointment to the Supreme

Court bench, he had been accused of sexual harassment by a for-

mer assistant, Anita Hill. Her claims were credible. But this was

1991, andAmericawas farmorenervous about racial thangender-

based discrimination. The prospect of a bunch ofwhite senators

barring Mr Thomas, a blackman who had risen from poverty in

the South, on the basis of an alleged sexual misdeed was too ex-

cruciating to countenance. Miss Hill was rudely sent packing by

the all-male committee, andMr Thomas confirmed.

Twenty-seven years later, the cultural tide has shifted, to Brett

Kavanaugh’s disadvantage. Until this week the 53-year-old judge

was cruising to a berth on the court. But revelations that he stands

accusedofa sexual assault 35 years agohave put that


Kavanaugh categorically denies the accusation. The justice com-

mittee’s Republican chairman, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, one of

several holdovers from1991, postponed a vote onpartisan lines to

send Mr Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Senate. He has invited

Mr Kavanaugh and his accuser, an academic psychologist called

Christine Blasey Ford, to appear before the committee.

Theymay not. Ms Blasey has demanded an


probe into her

claims, which Mr Grassley is against. But this is already a major

politico-cultural showdown. It involves a collision between Pres-

ident Donald Trump’s political priority, confirming conservative

judges, and the most powerful repulse to his politics, in the form

of the #MeToo movement that his misogyny helped inspire. Un-

lessMs Blasey’s allegations are discredited, the rowwill have last-

ing consequences for the standing of the court and both parties

on the defining cultural issue of the Trump era.

Ms Blasey’s claim looks unprovable—but also credible. She

says Mr Kavanaugh, as a drunk 17-year-old, threw her onto a bed

at a high-school party, gropedher and stifledher screamswithhis

hand. There are many details of the alleged attack, including

where in suburbanMaryland it occurred, thatMs Blasey says she

cannot recall. A high-school friend of Mr Kavanaugh’s, Mark

Judge, who she claims was present for the assault, has denied it.

Yet Mr Judge, an unreconstructed chauvinist who wrote a book

about his teenage alcoholism, is not a strong defencewitness.

The alleged assault is also referred to in notes taken byMs Bla-

sey’s therapist years before Mr Kavanaugh’s nomination. And

though a Democrat, like most products of Maryland’s affluent

suburbs, Ms Blasey appears to have nothing to gain fromher alle-

gations, much to lose, and to have stepped forward reluctantly. In

fear of the pillorying Ms Hill received, she says she went public

only after journalists got hold of her claim. Her lawyers say she

has since received “vicious harassment and even death threats”.

Therewill probably be no clean end to this. Whoever the Sen-

ate disbelieves will feel aggrieved, and may have been badly

wronged (as Ms Hill did and perhaps was). The truth looks irre-

trievable. Most of Mr Kavanaugh’s Republican supporters, after

an instant’s reflection, have therefore doubled down. They have

pushed back against Ms Blasey’s claims, on procedural and other

grounds, and suggested she must show up next week or be ig-

nored. “I’ll listen to the lady, but we’re going to bring this to a

close,” sniffed Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. This is worse

than Ms Hill suffered. Her allegations were investigated by the


. Moreover, the Republicans’ ulterior motive in trying to press

their nominee home is more nakedly self-interested than it was

in 1991. At issue is not merely a cherished Supreme Court berth.

Their reputations, and their party’s prospects, are also on the line.

An ambition to steer the Supreme Court to the right is the

main justification many Republicans cite for backing a leader

who is anathema to Republican ideas and values. It is a determi-

nation that has sustained them, with an unsulliable feeling of

rightness, through the indignities Mr Trump has piled on them.

Now, in the shadow of mid-term elections at which Senate Re-

publicans could lose their judge-makingmajority, they are at risk

of failing in their all-justifying endeavour. It is too excruciating a

prospect for once-admired senators such as Mr Graham, whose

fawning overMr Trump is especially dismal, to bear.

The ironyof this,whichwill not be lost onat least half the elec-

torate, is that by sticking blindlywithMr Kavanaugh Republicans

are inviting a more serious blow to their personal reputations

and party’s viability. Just as outrage over Ms Hill’s treatment trig-

gered a surge ofwomen into politics, Mr Trump’s offensiveness is

also motivating women. The Democrats, who have seen a wave

ofwomen candidates, are already profiting. The revulsion many

Alabamian women felt towards Roy Moore, a Republican candi-

date with an alleged fondness for young girls, cost the Republi-

cans a Senate seat they thought they owned. The gender gap in

partisan loyalty is at a record high and growing, as working-class

women trickle fromthe Trumppartyand college-educatedwom-

en leave it in a torrent. If the Democrats take either congressional

chamber inNovember, thiswill be themain reasonwhy.

The old boys-will-be-boys’ club

The damageMrKavanaugh’s confirmation, in the current circum-

stances, could do the Supreme Court is evenworse. It would give

it a second alleged conservative sex pest, and thereby an all-male

conservative majority. It could then settle gender-divisive is-

sues—most obviously concerning abortion rights—in ways that

most women would abhor. The blow to the court’s standing

could be severe. This is something Mr Grassley and his Republi-

can colleagues should considerwhen they cite rules-based objec-

tions toMs Blasey’s claims. The legitimacyAmerican institutions

enjoy rests onmore than following rules. Theymust also be con-

sidered fair—or suffer the consequences.


Her word against his

Sending Brett Kavanaugh to the SupremeCourt risks damaging Republicans and the court
