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Bloomberg Businessweek

May 14, 2018


had enough conidence in herself to be hum-

ble and take joy in the achievements of her peo-

ple. That is efective leadership in a way that I

didn’t see with Rudy. I didn’t know it at the time.

I thought, How cool is this? My boss is on the cov-

ers of magazines, he’s in charge of everything. I

didn’t realize until later that style makes it harder

to get the truth from your people and limits the

circle that will talk to you.

Are you surprised to see him in his current role defend-

ing the president?

No. It would’ve surprised me if you’d asked me

20 years ago, but it doesn’t now given his public role

of the last few years.

What about some of the things he’s said about you and

the FBI—calling FBI agents stormtroopers and saying

that you probably lied to Mueller?

I honestly don’t care about the stuf about me,

because others will decide that. I care very much

about the attack on the institutions, because it’s

just not true. Republicans and Democrats should

both knock it of, attacking the institutions of jus-

tice, because everybody needs them. It’s just a very

short-sighted thing and bad for the country.

You once worked for Ray Dalio, who runs the hedge

fund Bridgewater, which is notorious for its ruthless

culture. What’d you learn there?

I learned about my own weaknesses. In Ray’s

view, you’re failing if you’re not being honest. I have

a hard time delivering feedback that’s negative, and

he taught me that you’re duty-bound to be accurate.

Let’s talk about BobMueller. You inherited an FBI from

him in 2013 that you describe as very buttoned-up and

still had an overhang from the time of J. Edgar Hoover,

where the mainmotivation was to tell the boss what he

wanted to hear. Did that surprise you?

Not entirely. I’d come from eight years in the pri-

vate sector where transparency is something that’s

always talked about. I was a little surprised, though

maybe I shouldn’t have been knowing that Hoover

had been in charge for half a century, that it was less

modern than I’d expected in terms of that culture.

It’s ironic that an agency dedicated to inding the truth

struggles from a lack of transparency.

That struck me, too. And a lot of what I did during

my four years as director was to get people to feel

safe enough around me to tell me the truth.

How’d you do that?

In lots of ways, some small, some big. I tried to

issue an edict on how people should dress around

me, with no outer garments. If you dress like you’re

in church, you’ll act like you’re in church. I took the

wild step of wearing blue shirts, and it’s something

everybody noticed—it was a signal that I wanted a

diferent approach.

Do you thinkMueller struck some as too intimidating,

and the effect on people kept them from opening up?

Did you try to be more approachable?

I think that’s fair. I think he’s a better leader

than I in some respects. I don’t know that I

could’ve accomplished what he did after 9/11

because I don’t know that I’m strong enough and

tough enough. When I inherited the FBI, my mis-

sion was to get it to relax a little bit and open up.

My goal was to get people to laugh more and to

communicate with me in a way that was difer-

ent than Bob.

What went through your mind when you heard

Mueller had been made special counsel?

Surprise at first, and then relief, because I

thought it was important to pursue the possibility

that there were tapes of my conversations with the

president, and if there was someone who was going

to go get the tapes, it would be Bob Mueller.

Other than Trump’s tweets do you have reason to

believe tapes exist?

I don’t.

What went through your mind when you learned that

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein provided

legal cover for the rationale behind your iring?

I was surprised, given my encounters with him in

the days before. We met privately for him to seek my

advice about how to do his job. Four days later he

authored that memo. So that surprised me and dis-

appointed me. If you really had concerns about my

performance as FBI director, you would’ve told me

that instead of leading me to the opposite. And then

when I read it, I thought, that’s not the real deal.

Do you worry the Mueller investigation is taking

too long?

My view is that it’s moving very quickly. A whole

lot of evidence has emerged in the charges they’ve

brought. He’s got a really talented team. It’s not even

been a year since he was appointed.

Are you surprised that the Republican Party has

turned on the law-and-order institutions in the U.S.?

Yes. I’m shocked, disappointed, and disgusted.

Do you worry about the future of the GOP?

I do. I don’t know what it stands for, honestly,

and it’s going to have to answer those questions.

What are the values that the Republican Party stands

for? Rule of law? Really?

Are you still a Republican?


When did you leave the party?

It kind of left me is how I think about it.

Would you ever consider running for oice?

No. That’s not my gig. It’s not in my DNA. I don’t

want to have to ask strangers for money.

—Matthew Philips and Chris Strohm




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