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Bloomberg Businessweek

May 14, 2018


upset against a tainted Republican Senate can-

didate in deep-red Alabama.

Liberal voter intensity and grass-roots energy,

driven by anger at Trump, sometimes evokes com-

parisons to the Tea Party. But the resistance has

less money, is less organized, and therefore is less

able to bend the party in its direction. “I envy how

well-funded the right is,” says Karthik Ganapathy,

a spokesman for the progressive activist group

MoveOn. “It’s not the most glowing thing to say

about the progressive movement, but at this point

in the Tea Party cycle they were purifying the ranks.

And we’re still catching up to that.”

At the same time, the resistance is avoiding the

suicidal tendencies of the Tea Party, which nomi-

nated radical candidates who blew winnable races

for the Senate, such as Sharron Angle in Nevada,

Todd Akin in Missouri, and Richard Mourdock in

Indiana. In 2010 and 2012 the movement defeated

Republican incumbents with strong general elec-

tion appeal such as Delaware’s Mike Castle and

Indiana’s Dick Lugar, only to watch Democrats

win those races. “The only signiicant races we

won in 2010 were in races where Republicans ate

themselves alive,” says Senator Chris Murphy, a

Connecticut Democrat. “What should scare the hell

out of Republicans is that we have energy and rela-

tive unity. That’s hard, because with energy usually

comes some opposing forces, and that has not hap-

pened in any meaningful way so far.”

While red states such as Indiana andWest Virginia

drew the most attention on May 8, Democrats also

stopped populist insurgents in important swing

states like Ohio. Democratic leaders had worried

that their preferred candidate, former Obama oi-

cial Richard Cordray, might lose to Dennis Kucinich,

the outspoken populist ex-congressman who won

the backing of Our Revolution, an advocacy group

that emerged from the Bernie Sanders campaign.

But Cordray trounced Kucinich by 40 points. Rather

than representing a broad divide between two poles

of the party, Cordray says, he and Kucinich shared

many policy positions, lessening the temptation of

grass-roots activists to defect to his left-wing rival.

Trump is enough of a unifying force that

Democrats can paper over policy diferences. The

party also isn’t nearly as much of a top-down orga-

nization as the GOP, where big donors like the

Kochs exert outsize inluence. “Our donors have

much less impact on our grass-roots structure than

Republicans do,” Murphy says. “That’s one of the

outstanding questions for us: Are they still going

to have a big money advantage that we’ll have to

counter with an enthusiasm advantage?”

Progressives have found ways to move the

THE BOTTOM LINE Antipathy for Trump is energizing Democrats

and, so far at least, keeping the party from fracturing over internal

diferences or nominating extreme candidates.

policy conversation to the left, without attack-

ing moderates. Potential presidential contenders

such as New Jersey’s Cory Booker, Massachusetts’

Elizabeth Warren, New York’s Kirsten Gillibrand,

and Vermont’s Bernie Sanders have endorsed single-

payer health care and a federal jobs guarantee, two

left-wing pipe dreams that were conined to the

fringes during Obama’s presidency. Progressives

are thrilled that a number of candidates—mostly in

safe blue districts—are running on those ideas this

year. “Democrats are being bolder and proposing

big solutions to big problems,” says Ari Rabin-Havt,

a senior adviser to Sanders. “We have been way too

limited in our thinking, and I’m very glad Democrats

are breaking out of that as a whole.”

By contrast, the Tea Party was less about policy

and more about capitalizing on cultural resentment

among older white voters. While its leaders styled

it as a iscal conservative movement, its goals were

rife with contradictions, such as reducing the dei-

cit while cutting taxes and preserving Medicare. In

the end, the true power of the Tea Party was in chan-

neling voters’ revulsion to demographic diversity, a

phenomenon embodied in the election of the irst

black president. “The Tea Party movement became

efective because they were able to vilify President

Obama and tag every Democrat to him,” says Mike

Caputo, Democratic minority whip in the West

Virginia House of Delegates. “If you were running

for dog catcher, they would do a mailer telling about

how you and Obama used to have lunch together.”

Democrats still face huge challenges, including a

depleted bench. The party lost more than 1,000 leg-

islative seats during Obama’s presidency. “The pro-

gressive movement hasn’t done enough to cultivate

the bench down-ballot,” Ganapathy says, adding that

the left is “lacking the sort of roster that we need”

to elect liberal candidates in higher-level races.

Democrats also have a geographical disadvantage. In

the House, GOP-drawn congressional districts have

stacked the deck against Democrats, whose voters

are concentrated in urban areas. In the Senate, red

states with fewer than a million people carry the

same weight as California, with 40 million residents.

“We have to simultaneously represent working-

class voters in Michigan and Brooklyn hipsters and

Southern California farm workers,” Ganapathy

says. “That’s a more diverse coalition, and it pres-

ents more of a challenge. If that means we’re going

to have some more discordant views in our party,

we have to be OK with it.”

—Sahil Kapur, with

Joshua Green and Tim Loh