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Bloomberg Businessweek

May 14, 2018


THE BOTTOM LINE Facebook has reduced ISIS- and al-Qaeda-

related material, but posts from similar groups with thousands of

followers don’t seem to have sufered the same crackdowns.

For years, Facebook has tried to take down pages

associated with U.S.-designated terrorist groups. In

2014, within hours of

Bloomberg Businessweek


ing about pages for Hezbollah, Facebook removed

those for Al-Manar, Hezbollah news site Al-Ahed,

and the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, a char-

ity associated with Hezbollah. All three, however,

quickly reappeared with tweaks to make them seem

new. At the end of April, Al-Ahed’s website linked to

an Arabic Facebook page with more than 33,000 fol-

lowers. Content on the page included a video of

masked snipers targeting Israeli soldiers. Another

Al-Ahed Facebook page had more than 47,000 fol-

lowers, and one in English had 5,000.

Facebook’s policies prohibit material that sup-

ports or advances terrorism. The company’s deini-

tion of the term, published last month for the irst

time, includes a ban on nongovernmental organi-

zations that use violence to achieve political, reli-

gious, or ideological aims. It speciies that such

groups include religious extremists, white suprema-

cists, and militant environmental groups. Facebook

also says content that violates its policies is “not

allowed” on the site.

The company only recently began scanning

more actively for content from Islamic State and

al-Qaeda after pressure from governments and is

training its artiicial intelligence systems to get bet-

ter at lagging bad posts. Meanwhile, journalists and

researchers frequently ind supposedly banned con-

tent just by searching for it. A report in the

New York


in April uncovered hundreds of fake accounts

on Facebook and Instagram posing as Zuckerberg

and Chief Operating Oicer Sheryl Sandberg. A day

earlier, science and tech publication


noted that some pages on Facebook store stolen

data, including social security numbers.

When asked about that story on a conference call,

Sandberg said Facebook takes down such informa-

tion as soon as employees become aware of it. “Posts

containing information like social security numbers

or credit cards are not allowed on our site,” she said.

To help prune out the worst ofenders, Facebook

has added content reviewers. It has 7,500, up 40 per-

cent from the year before. They work in about

40 languages; the company plans to add staf lu-

ent in the languages that require the most attention.

Terrorists’ enthusiastic embrace of social

media has long caused angst at Facebook and its

global competitors. Like Twitter Inc. and Google’s

YouTube LLC, Facebook has historically put the

onus on users to lag content to moderators.

When pressed by Congress about the failures

to respond quickly in those instances, Zuckerberg

spoke of how, when starting the company in his

Harvard dorm, he simply didn’t have the resources

to vet everything. Having users speak up about hor-

rors was the easiest way to get things of Facebook.

That strategy had support from Section 230 of the

Communications Decency Act, which limits web-

sites’ liability for what users post. That protection

is being gradually weakened; last month, President

Trump approved an exception that allows prosecu-

tors to go after online platforms if they’re being used

for sex traicking. Zuckerberg now says he considers

Facebook responsible for what’s posted on the site.

That doesn’t necessarily mean legal responsibility.

Instead, the company has tried to frame its attempts

to clean itself up as a public service.

While Facebook has made its guidelines public,

it hasn’t been clear how they evolved, and some

view them as open to interpretation. “They should

be transparent about the laws or regulations that

they’re using to underpin their policies, but they’re

unfortunately not,” says Jillian York, the Electronic

Frontier Foundation’s director for international free-

dom of expression. York, who’s based in Berlin, says

Facebook risks meddling in local politics by picking

and choosing which groups are terrorist. One could

argue that blocking material fromHezbollah, which

is also a party with seats in Parliament, can hand its

political competitors an advantage, she says.

It’s also sometimes diicult to determine who’s

behind a Facebook page, even if it sports the logos

and content of known terrorist groups. In the

case of Boko Haram, the Nigerian group loyal to

Islamic State, research published by the Jamestown

Foundation in December said the group went by

the name “Khairul Huda” on Facebook. A proile

under that name exists, featuring plenty of photos of

friends holding riles or wearing balaclavas. Among

them: a Facebook member who posted an appeal

in December for volunteers to ight in Jerusalem “to

raise the banner of God” and liberate the city. “Will

you join me?” he wrote. “Inbox us.”

Once Facebook kicks these groups of, it doesn’t

appear to use sophisticated means to prevent

them from coming back. In April nine Hezbollah-

related Facebook pages disappeared after the non-

proit Counter Extremism Project publicized links,

including a tribute page to martyrs; it had more than

60,000 followers. Within two weeks, a replacement

popped up.

Bloomberg Businessweek

found it by

searching on Facebook for the website that had been

listed on the original page. All that had changed was

the language of the word “martyr,” from English to


—Vernon Silver and Sarah Frier