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I am an Angry Woman and proud of it. By outing myself,

I’m jeopardizing my career—when women express anger at

work, they lose status and wages and are viewed as less com-

petent, research has found. I also risk coming of as unlik-

able, a scold, and unhinged. And I can expect even more

men to tell me to smile.

But after reading Rebecca Traister’s

Good and Mad: The

Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger

(Simon & Schuster,

$27), I’m convinced that the beneits of publicly owning my

feelings outweigh all that. And, no matter

your gender, you should feel that way, too.

The book is largely an aggregation of

rage from the past two years, from the

2016 election through MeToo up to the

midterm races happening right now.

History has a habit of erasing female

anger, Traister argues. Fuming-hot ire is

the necessary and righteous fuel for ignit-

ing radical social change: It drove the suf-

fragists, labor organizers, second-wave

feminists, and civil rights activists to push

for the right to vote, humane working con-

ditions, reproductive freedoms, and racial equality under

the law.

But when we think of Rosa Parks or Susan B. Anthony,

we think of gentle, smiling folk heroes in soft focus. Their

anger and others’ is diminished, negated, or, even worse,

demonized, despite its often necessary role in furthering

positive change. That damping keeps the power of female

anger in check, because we’ve seen what happens when it

gets out of control—massive, disruptive social revolutions.

“It had become clear that I needed to work swiftly to cap-

ture this rebellion before its sharp, spiky contours got ret-

roactively smoothed and lattened by time,” Traister writes.

And she’s right. That softening has already started to hap-

pen. Traister reminded me of many of the moments of dis-

gust I’ve had over the past two years, which had receded

into the depths of my brain to make room for more press-

ing infuriating things. She reminded me about powerful men

in my own industry who harassed women out of their jobs

and careers. She reminded me about the avalanche of sexist

remarks male pundits made about female politicians during

the election and after. And she reminded me that some of

those same men also, allegedly, harassed women at work.



Bloomberg Pursuits

October 8, 2018

Reading about those moments was physically enraging,

and that’s the point. Traister wants women to hold on to

the feelings of the past two years and not feel shame. Our

anger has already led to positive change: MeToo has forced

companies to oust harassers and take a look at their policies

and cultures, and a record number of women are running

for oice and winning their primaries. Our anger has been

a force for good. “The task,” she writes, “is to keep going.”

Women are often told the contrary. Study after study

has found that men are admired for their

anger, while women, especially women

of color, are seen as “out of control.” We

saw this play out in early September when

Serena Williams got chastised and ined

for expressing herself during the U.S.

Open. Or think about how Kamala Harris

was called “hysterical” after she ques-

tioned Jef Sessions on the Trump-Russia

investigation. For many women, this dou-

ble standard is a regular occurrence.

But Traister knows that not all women

have the privilege of openly expressing

their anger. Just look at Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Her testi-

mony in front of the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary

was a case study in female composure. At times she was

outright apologetic, even as she described her alleged sex-

ual assault. Contrast that with Brett Kavanaugh, the U.S.

Supreme Court nominee, who yelled and got visibly upset in

his almost hourlong opening remarks. Traister spends a lot

of the book analyzing incidents like that—the ways women

contort themselves to avoid showing their true feelings. Or

more often, the times women get angry.

Ultimately there isn’t a satisfying answer for what women

should do in these impossible situations. For some, their

anger will hurt them. Black women, studies have found,

are particularly penalized and at risk of gross stereotyp-

ing. Some women have already lost their jobs for protest-

ing the president.

Traister doesn’t encourage her readers to get openly

angry. But she’s optimistic that if more people take female

rage seriously, things can change. For men, that means

honoring female anger just as much as we honor the anger

of disafected men. For women, it means honoring other

women’s anger and, most important, your own.

Mad as Hell

A new book on female rage is a call to arms for women who aren’t

going to take it anymore.

By RebeccaGreenfield