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Bloomberg Businessweek

October 8, 2018

○ Some of the

companies that have

agreed to stop doing

business with Iran


Munich Re


Royal Dutch Shell





says Anthony Rapa, a lawyer at Kirkland & Ellis

who focuses on sanctions compliance. Rapa is

impressed thus far with how efective Pompeo’s

team has been in isolating Iran. “Whatever you

might say about the president and his rhetoric, the

people running this ile know what they’re doing.”

Members of the Iran Action Group have visited

more than 30 countries so far, meeting with senior

oicials and company representatives. They lay out

the U.S. view of Tehran’s “malign behavior” in the

Middle East and around the globe. But their real goal

is to convey in detail just how far the U.S. is prepared

to go to inlict economic pain—chiely through sec-

ondary sanctions—on companies that expect to get

a reprieve if they keep up business ties with Iran.

So far they’ve been persuasive. A so-called

Divestment Tracker kept by the group lists 80 or

so companies, ranging from Total and Munich Re

Group to KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and Mazda

Motor, that have backed out of the Iranian market

over the past several months. More important for

Iran, which derives 80 percent of its tax revenue

from oil sales, exports of its oil products have fallen

40 percent from a high point of 2.8 million barrels

a day in April, the month before Trump backed out

of the nuclear accord.

That decline surpassed even the most bearish

forecasts. “Iran exports are going to drop more than

what the market expected only a couple of months

ago,” says Ben Luckock, co-head of oil trading at

Traigura Group, one of the world’s largest commod-

ities merchants. “When we add every country that

we think will continue buying, we struggle to see

exports much more above 1 million barrels a day.”

The Iran Action Group’s cast of characters

includes a former explosives ordinance expert,

Jason Shell; David Tessler, a mild-mannered sanc-

tions expert with two tweets to his name; Michelle

Giuda, who was once Newt Gingrich’s spokes-

woman and was also a national gymnastics cham-

pion at the University of California at Los Angeles;

and a former New York ad man, Len Khodorkovsky,

whose family led the Soviet Union when he was a

child and who now coordinates Pompeo’s anti-Iran

messaging campaign.

Their leader is Brian Hook, a foreign policy

wonk who worked for the George W. Bush admin-

stration and advised Mitt Romney’s 2012 presiden-

tial campaign. Hook wielded vast power under

Pompeo’s predecessor, Rex Tillerson, serving as

his policy brain. While his current mandate isn’t

as expansive, he’s been given valuable real estate,

moving into an oice along the State Department

corridor known as Mahogany Row. Working a few

doors down from Pompeo, he’s essentially taken

control of the department’s policy toward Iran.

The group’s effort is putting to the test the

proposition that the U.S. economy and dollar

are so central to the global economic system that

American sanctions alone will isolate Iran’s econ-

omy. That runs counter to the conventional wisdom

that Obama-era sanctions against Iran were efective

only because other nations participated, particularly

U.S. allies in Europe. “I’ve felt for a long time that

we’ve underestimated our ability to use U.S. tools

when they’re viewed as a leg to isolate inancial and

economic rogue behavior,” says Juan Zarate, chair-

man of the Financial Integrity Network and a former

deputy national security adviser to Bush. “The argu-

ment that our power was slipping away, our ability

to maintain sanctions was fading, was a really inac-

curate portrayal of where we were.”

Trump is going further than any previous pres-

ident in using American financial power as a

weapon—in direct confrontation with his allies,

daring them to keep doing business with Iran, even

if that brings the threat of U.S. economic punish-

ment and denial to the American market, which is

60 times the size of the Iranian economy. As far as

Hook is concerned, the question is settled. “Very few

companies are going to choose Iran over the United

States,” he said at a brieing in late September.

“That’s just the economic reality.”

Hook and his crew have vowed to cut Iranian oil

exports to zero, betting that other producers, such

as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, can make up for lost

supplies and keep oil prices steady. But markets

are already spooked. The price of Brent crude, the

global oil benchmark, hit a four-year high of $85 a

barrel in early October, up from $55 a year ago.

Rising oil prices could expose the Iran Action

Group to what many regard as its biggest threat:

Trump himself. With the midterm elections only a

month away, the president may be concerned that

higher oil prices will hurt Republicans at the polls.

He inveighed against rising prices during his speech

before the UN General Assembly on Sept. 25, saying,

“We are not going to put up with it—these horrible

prices—much longer.” The risk is that the president

will reverse course on Iran, as he did with North

Korea, pivoting from belligerence to dealmaking.

“Trump appears at irst as though he’ll never capit-

ulate, but it’s a negotiating tactic, and he ultimately

wants to do a deal with Iran,” says Scott Modell, a

former CIA oicer and managing director at Rapidan

Energy Group. “He would be just ine freezing some

aspects of Iran’s bad behavior for now and entering

into prolonged talks in search of a broader deal, par-

ticularly because it’s his best chance of keeping U.S.

gasoline prices under $3 per gallon.”