78 Science and technology
The Economist
May 5th 2018
ODERN slavery comes in many
forms. The outright sale of human
beings as possessions is rare. But forced
manual labour and sexual exploitation, of-
ten in a foreign country, bymeans of fraud,
coercion or the threat of violence, are not.
Such cases are often, however, hard to de-
tect. Victims are understandably reluctant
to talk. And the labour market also in-
cludes people willingly and legally per-
formingwork that is not always clearly dif-
ferent from that of the enslaved.
The murky world of modern slaves is,
though, beginning to yield to high-tech
policing methods. In South-East Asia, for
instance, a particular scourge is fishing
boats crewedby forced labour. Crewmem-
bers are unable to escape because these
vessels never dock. Instead, they offload
their catches and take on supplies at sea.
Dornnapha Sukkree, co-founder ofa chari-
ty in Bangkok, called
, hopes to stop
this by developing software that analyses
data from transponders fitted to fishing
boats. These would track vessels’ move-
ments via satellite. Boats that failed to dock
from time to timewould thus be obvious.
Ten fishing boats are assisting Ms Suk-
kree in her study. If it is successful, she
hopes to persuade Thailand’s fishery au-
thorities to require all vessels above a cer-
tain size to be fitted with transponders.
Many countries do this already, though
with the intention of regulating fishing
rather than protecting crews. Illegal fishers
do sometimes switch their transponders
off, of course, in order to “disappear”. But
that very act raises suspicions.
Much human trafficking, as the trans-
porting of modern slaves is known, relies
on trickeryknownas contract substitution.
Recruiters lure people abroad with a lucra-
tive contract that is later reworded, some-
times in a language the individual does not
understand. Luis CdeBaca, who once ran
the American State Department’s anti-hu-
man-trafficking operation and is nowa fel-
low at the Open Society Foundations, a
pro-democracy organisation, hopes to pre-
vent this bait-and-switching using a type
of distributed database called a block-
chain. A government might issue work
visas only when signed contracts are con-
firmed by the blockchain to match those
originally given to potential migrants.
Software can also identify pimps. Da-
mon McCoy of New York University has
developed a program that has helped po-
lice unearth five big suspected prostitution
rings in California and Texas. His program
hunts for signs, such as word choice, punc-
tuation and emoji, that suggest a single
hand is behind apparently unrelated on-
line sexads—and thus that organised crime
is atwork. And it can linkbitcoinpayments
made for such ads to the ads themselves.
His plan is to release the program as a free
download later this year. A subsequent
version will detect tiny variations in the
pixel-quality of pictures, to identify those
takenwith the same camera.
Joining the dots
Nor is Dr McCoy’s program the only soft-
ware being employed to counter sex-traf-
ficking operations in America. Since June
2017 an unnamed federal agency has used
something similar, developed at Carnegie
Mellon University in Pittsburgh by a re-
searcher called Eduard Hovy. Like Dr Mc-
Coy’s, this program looks for connections
between thewords and images used in dif-
ferent sexads. But it can, DrHovy says, also
draw in data from other sources. It might,
for example, link a tweet about loud
screams at night in a particular building
with banter on an online “John board” dis-
cussing the sudden unavailability of a for-
eignwoman last seen badly bruised.
Future versions of such software could
seek to pull together disparate types of in-
formation in other areas of modern slav-
ery—the frequency of visits to health clin-
ics for the poor by strawberry pickers
complaining ofbackpain, for example. But
Dr Hovy cautions against deducing from
software alone who is a victim of traffick-
ing. He has accompanied police on opera-
tions to rescue people his program has
flagged up, but who have convincingly ar-
gued that they are working voluntarily in
conditions which may be tough but are
still better than those backhome.
In the end, like any other branch of
commerce, legal or illegal, modern slavery
is about making profits. And those profits
have to be deposited somewhere. This
gives investigators another way in. Banks
in some countries face steep fines if they
do not screen transactions for signs of hu-
man trafficking. For this purpose, some
banks use software originally developed
to detect money-laundering. Algorithms
flag up dodgy-looking transactions. These
are used by human analysts to generate
“suspicious-activity reports”. The number
of such reports sent by banks to America’s
Treasury is growing, says Hector Colón, a
trafficking investigator at Homeland Secu-
rity Investigations, a branch of the coun-
try’s Department ofHomeland Security.
The fingerprints of possible trafficking
activity are many and various. Payments
for repeatedly refuelling a vehicle at night
might mean forced labour is being trans-
ported under the cover of darkness. En-
slaved prostitutes are typically fed fast
food, not “a $30 curry”, says PeterWarrack,
a Canadian expert on the screening soft-
ware. Weekly condom purchases add to
the suspicion. Charges for exorbitant cock-
tails may be disguised payments for sex,
especially if the bar also buys advertising
on escort websites. Roughly one in 20 re-
ports of suspicious transactions sent by
banks to Canada’s finance department
mention human trafficking, and half of
those correctly identify the crime, Mr War-
rack says.
Traffickers are aware ofwhat is going on
and do their best to outsmart the algo-
rithms; one tell that is easily avoided is the
payment into a single account of receipts
from many different places. But the au-
thorities are also looking for new things to
try. According to Daniel Thelesklaf, the
head of Liechtenstein’s Financial Intelli-
gence Unit, government organisations are
already considering the screening of com-
munications sent through messaging apps
for hints of human trafficking. These can
sometimes be intercepted if sent via a
Wi-Fi network. Mr Thelesklaf reckons this
has “huge potential”.
That step, though, has huge potential
for controversy, too. It is one thing to scruti-
nise sexads. It is quite another to start traw-
ling on spec throughmessages sent mostly
by innocent parties. That sounds Orwell-
ian. Which is ironic, for the message of
“1984” was that in a society where surveil-
lance is ubiquitous, everybody who is not
one of the surveyors is, in fact, a slave.
Policing modern slavery
Traffic jammers
Software is able to detect signs ofhuman trafficking
Victim of a modern press gang