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ground.) The tourism industry, which has a business interest in

acting fast, is leading the charge.

In Dominica, that includes people such as Walsh and Daniel

Langlois, a budding hotelier with a project in development

in the village of Soufrière. Together they’re spearheading

Resilient Dominica, or RezDM, a branch of Langlois’s foun-

dation, which has been supporting science and technology

research on the island since 1997. RezDM has several projects

under way—each focused on present and future needs.

One is a pilot program at the primary school in Soufrière

that will not only provide food for lunches but will also cre-

ate stockpiled reserves in case another storm temporarily cuts

of the island. There’s a tool-lending program, as well, which

ofers no-cost assistance for rebuilding, and a centralized depot

for vehicles that can clear roads and debris if needed. And the

solar panels RezDM is installing on one-tenth of the island’s

homes will be removable, so they don’t become storm haz-

ards or get damaged.

Despite Dominica’s ambitions, the irst climate-resilient

island may actually be 200 miles away in the French West

Indies. “St. Barts was as hurricane-proof as any island could

be,” says Nils Dufau, president of Tourisme de St. Barts.

Because of the island’s wealth, strict building codes, and smart

preventive strategies, St. Barts came through the storms rel-

atively unscathed. (The main cause of damage—and lingering


May 14, 2018

hotel closures—was looding.) “Our electric grid was already

three-quarters underground, and now we’re accelerating the

rest,” Dufau says. “It means most of the island didn’t lose

power—and for those who did, it wasn’t for long.” St. Barts

is now testing marine barriers, watertight doorways, and

“wash-through channels” that protect building foundations,

all to ease lood damage from storms.

Ironically, the islands that were spared this time around

may be slower to achieve resilient status. “Countries that were

not as badly hit will incorporate best practices in their


buildings,” Dominica’s Baron says, “but nobody is going to

remove a roof that stayed on to make it stronger.” Because

of its widespread devastation, Dominica will take longer to

rebuild, but its resiliency eforts should be more thorough.

Other islands are prioritizing similar eforts, which pre-

viously may have been delayed because of cost. The gov-

ernment of the British Virgin Islands is running water and

electricity underground on Tortola. The owners of Guana

Island, a secluded resort, are doing the same on their own

dime. Oil Nut Bay, a hotel on Virgin Gorda, is encouraging

locals to invest in AstroGuard, a type of clip-on fabric win-

dow shutter that’s virtually indestructible and afordable to

install. In Jamaica, proponents of the cruise industry have

commissioned an eco-sensitive lexible jetty to be built near

Kingston in early 2019. In good times it will allow more cruise

ships to call, but in bad times, it can be strategically reposi-

tioned to receive emergency supplies. And in Puerto Rico,

hotels such as the Condado Vanderbilt are collaborating with

local nonproits to grow artiicial coral reefs that will protect

the shoreline in a future storm.

Rebuilding coral reefs must be a top priority—at least

as important as structurally improved roofs—says Luis

Solórzano, executive director of the Caribbean division of the

Nature Conservancy, which is leading a four-year climate-re-

siliency efort across the region. “The solutions can’t just be

about concrete and iron,” he says. Aerial damage surveys have

shown that reefs and mangrove forests can absorb an aston-

ishing 98 percent of a wave’s energy in a storm. Accordingly,

local groups are exploring processes such as lab-based coral

germination and micro-fragmentation, which let conserva-

tionists grow tens of thousands of coral pieces per month

and graft them onto struggling reefs.

Replanting trees along riversides and in forests, however,

is the simplest answer: They prevent erosion, which desta-

bilizes coral. The more coral that survives, the less damage

there will be on the coast in the event of another storm. “We

have to give nature an opportunity to provide us with resil-

ience. It makes a visible impact,” Solórzano says.

Healthier coral, better infrastructure, stricter building

codes, safer electrical grids—all are key tools in a vital strug-

gle. As Dominica Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit put it in

an address to the General Assembly of the United Nations,

“We ind ourselves at the front line of a war that we did not

start. And it is one we cannot stop.” The hope, though, is that

it’s one Dominica—and the Caribbean at large—can win.