Politics and Public Policy

Зохиогч: Van.H.C.

Гаралтын мэдээ: Америк A Division of Congressional Quarterly Inc. 1992

Шифр: 66.4/V 26.
Номын сан:
Олон Улсын Харилцаа, Нийтийн удирдлагын Сургууль (1).

Бэлэн (1).
Товч агуулга:
Policymakers are faced with tough choices. With this text, students are better prepared to evaluate their leaders' performance given the book's unique framework linking how policies are chosen with what policy is chosen. Thoroughly updated to reflect the issues of the early 21st century, this new edition also incorporates new and important scholarship.

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Олон Улсын Харилцаа, Нийтийн удирдлагын Сургууль
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