Investing in Regional Health Security for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific: Managing Health Threats Through Regional and Intersectoral Cooperation

Зохиогч: Megan Counahan, Sonalini Khetrapal, Jane Parry, Gerard Servais, Susann Roth.

Гаралтын мэдээ: ADB publication 2018

Шифр: 65.495 I 57.
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Товч агуулга:
Emerging infectious diseases and the risk of transmission in the constant movement of people, animals, and goods make health security a priority issue in Asia and the Pacific. The region is paying more attention to strengthening health security through technical and political collaboration at multiple levels. With support from ADB, developing member countries have been building up their health systems to better respond to health security threats. This paper discusses the magnitude and implications of health threats in the region. It provides an overview of global initiatives and discusses the important role that ADB can play in strengthening regional cooperation and national health systems.

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