Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2018

Гаралтын мэдээ: ADB publication 2018

Шифр: 65.39(5) K 41.
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Товч агуулга:
The Key Indicators (KI) 2018 presents the latest statistics on a comprehensive set of economic, financial, social, environmental, and SDG indicators for the 48 regional members of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). It is designed to serve as a resource for information on development issues across the region for a wide audience, including policy makers, development practitioners, government officials, researchers, students, and the general public. This year’s Key Indicators publication is accompanied by a special supplement focusing on Technological Innovation for Agricultural Statistics. It presents results from a recently concluded statistics capacity building project of the ADB, showcasing the importance of remote-sensing technology to enhance the quality of paddy rice area, yield, and production statistics.

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