Rising states, rising institutions: Challenges for global governance

Зохиогч: Alexandroff A.S; Cooper, Andrew Fenton.

Гаралтын мэдээ: Washington Brookings Institution Press 2010

Шифр: 67.412 A 33.
Номын сан:
Олон Улсын Харилцаа, Нийтийн удирдлагын Сургууль (1).

Бэлэн (1).
Товч агуулга:
The global order is shifting. Even though no major war has intervened to reshape the architecture of the international order, the global financial crisis has accentuated the emergence of an enlarged global leadership. It is clear that change is afoot. The United States may be hanging on as the world's leading power, as the European Union remains an independent force in global politics, but a host of rising states -including China, India, and Brazil -clamor to be heard and take on bigger roles in world forums.

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Олон Улсын Харилцаа, Нийтийн удирдлагын Сургууль
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