Global governance and the UN : An unfinished journey

Зохиогч: Weiss, Thomas G. (Thomas George); Thakur, Ramesh.

Цувралын зохиогч: United Nations intellectual history project
Гаралтын мэдээ: Bloomington Indiana University Press 2010

Шифр: 67.412 W-37.
Номын сан:
Олон Улсын Харилцаа, Нийтийн удирдлагын Сургууль (1).

Бэлэн (1).
Товч агуулга:
In the 21st century, the world is confronted by threats of global scale that cannot be tackled without collective action. This book analyzes the UN's role in addressing such lapses, which they identify as knowledge, normative, policy, institutional, and compliance gaps. It features the UN's relationship to the global governance gaps. The problématique of global governance -- Tracing the origins of an idea and the UN's contribution -- Part 1 : international security -- The use of force : war, collective security, and peace operations -- Arms control and disarmament -- Terrorism -- Part 2 : development -- Trade, aid, and finance -- Sustainable development -- Saving the environment : the ozone layer and climate change -- Part 3 : human rights -- Generations of rights -- Protecting against pandemics -- The responsibility to protect.

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Олон Улсын Харилцаа, Нийтийн удирдлагын Сургууль
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