Public sector Accounting.-

Гаралтын мэдээ: NY.: Routledge, 2015.-

Шифр: 65.052.5 P-97.
Номын сан:
Бизнесийн Сургууль (1).

Бэлэн (1).
Товч агуулга:
As change sweeps across the public sector, a huge range of accounting and financial management challenges are created. This textbook analyses the reforms that are being introduced to deal with these challenges and their global impact on the public sector. Readers are provided with an international overview of government accounting, reporting, management control, cost accounting, budgeting and auditing. This concise and accessible textbook will be core reading for public sector accounting and financial management students and will also be required reading for students of public management and administration more generally. Managers, accountants, consultants and auditors working in the public sector will also find the book a useful reference.

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