Investment science.-

Зохиогч: Luenberger, David G.

Дахин хэвлэлт: 2nd ed.
Гаралтын мэдээ: NY.: Oxford university press, 2014.-

Шифр: 65.26-56 L-96.
Номын сан:
Бизнесийн Сургууль (1).

Бэлэн (1).
Товч агуулга:
Investment Science, Second Edition, provides thorough and highly accessible mathematical coverage of the fundamental topics of intermediate investments, including fixed-income securities, capital asset pricing theory, derivatives, and innovations in optimal portfolio growth and valuation of multi-period risky investments. Eminent scholar and teacher David G. Luenberger, known for his ability to make complex ideas simple, presents essential ideas of investments and their applications, offering students the most comprehensive treatment of the subject available.

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