Innovation management: : Strategy and implementation using the pentathlon framework.-

Зохиогч: Goffin K; Mitchell R.

Дахин хэвлэлт: 2nd ed.
Гаралтын мэдээ: NY.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.-

Шифр: 65.290 G-57.
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Бизнесийн Сургууль (1).

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Товч агуулга:
Managing innovation is a challenge in any organization and demands a wide range of skills. How can you judge whether your department or company is as innovative as it could be? And if it isn't, what can you do and where doyoustart?Innovation Management begins by separating innovation into five interlocking topics: The Innovation Pentathlon. Using this framework, the authors present the best insights from theory and practice for each topic, together with a variety of tools that can be used to boost performance. Students will value the clear coverage of the academic background and managers will benefit from the 75 case studies that illustrate real-world outcomes. With up-to-date case studies and the tools necessary to improve performance, Innovation Management is a must for business administration students and managers.

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