Kung, Chin

Changing Destiny A Commentary on Liaofan's Four Lessons Translated by Silent Voices - 2nd ed - Taiwan The Corporate Body of The Buddha Educational Foundation 2005 - 472


The book Liaofan's Four Lessons was written in the sixteenth century in China by Yuan Liaofan with the hope that it would teach his son, Yuan Tiangi, about destiny, how to differentiate good from bad, how to correct his faults, and how to practice good deeds to cultivate both virtue and humility. As an embodiment of his teachings, Liaofan was living proof of their benefits, for he had changed his destiny.
Learning to re-create destiny has long been of interest to those who believe that wealth or poverty, long life or short life everything is destined. People who accomplished good deeds in their past lives will naturally enjoy wealthy and long lives now, while those who committed bad deeds in their past lives will undergo deprivations and short lives. However, there are exceptions. Destiny can be changed.

Англи хэл дээр,

philosophy Chinese philosophy fate