Statistics for business & economics - 14 ed - MA Cengage 2020 - 1120

ГФ 20466

Discover how statistical information impacts decisions in today is business world as Anderson/Sweeney/Williams/Camm/Cochran/Fry/Ohlmann's leading STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS, 14E connects concepts in each chapter to real-world practice. This edition delivers sound statistical methodology, a proven problem-scenario approach and meaningful applications that reflect the latest developments in business and statistics today. More than 350 new and proven real business examples, a wealth of practical cases and meaningful hands-on exercises highlight statistics in action. You gain practice using leading professional statistical software with exercises and appendices that walk you through using JMP Student Edition 14 and Excel 2016. WebAssign's online course management systems further strengthens this business statistics approach and helps you maximize your course success.

Англи хэл дээр,


mathematics mathematical statistics regression