Verantwortungsvolle Steuerung und Leitung öffentlicher Unternehmen Empirische Analyse und Handlungsempfehlungen zur Public Corporate Governance - Wiesbaden Springer Gabler 2013 - 310 s 21 cm


Public companies and their control, management and monitoring or public corporate governance are of great political and economic importance in the fulfillment of public tasks. Ulf Papenfuss has classified the problem areas and demands identified in science and practice for public corporate governance in a control-oriented manner. Through a comparative content analysis of the public corporate governance codes formulated very differently by municipalities, federal states and the federal government, he works out that numerous important fields of action in the principles of responsible corporate management/monitoring are treated extremely differently, with fluctuating quality and repeatedly not at all. A representative four-year analysis of over 250 companies and 1,000 annual financial statements from the ten largest German cities and the federal government shows that the factual governance structures and practices of public companies differ substantially in a comparison of cities and often do not meet the frequently emphasized requirements. Specific proposals are formulated for the further development of public corporate governance.

Герман хэл дээр,


Öffentliches Unternehmen Corporate Governance Öffentliche Verwaltung management