Schedler, Kuno

Fuhrung, Steuerung und Aufsicht von offentlichen Unternehmen Public Corporate Governance fur die Praxis - 3., erweiterte Auflage - Paul Haupt-Verlag 2016 - 323c 23cm

The management, management and control of public companies - also known under the term "Public Corporate Governance" - is a current and important topic. This is shown by the fact that the cantons of Switzerland hold around 1,000 shares in 600 companies. How should these holdings be supervised and controlled without unduly restricting their entrepreneurial autonomy? How can the advantages of becoming independent be used without giving up political influence? Literature and studies on public corporate governance rarely contain concrete information on how to solve the problems that arise in practice.

Герман хэл дээр,


public management offentliches Unternehmen ; Corporate Governance corporate Governance