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The Economist

May 5th 2018


South Korea

said that Ameri-

can troopswould remain in

the country even if it does

reach a deal with

North Korea

to end the Koreanwar formal-

ly. The statement came a few

days after amuch-trumpeted

meeting betweenMoon Jae-in,

the South’s president, and Kim

JongUn, the North’s dictator,

in the demilitarised buffer

between the countries. Mr Kim

made lots of non-specific

pledges about working to-

wards a nuclear-free Korean

peninsula. He is expected to

meet Donald Trump soon.



NarendraModi, and


president, Xi Jinping, held an

informal summit in the central

Chinese city ofWuhan. The

meetingwas aimed at defusing

tensions between the two

countries, which rose last year

during a border dispute. After

the summit, Chinesemedia

said the two countries’ armies

had agreed to set up a hotline

between their headquarters.


Dominican Republic


its long-standing tieswith


and established dip-

lomatic relationswith China.

The switch deepens Taiwan’s

diplomatic isolation: only19

countries nowrecognise it.



, at least 29

people, including nine journal-

ists, were killed and dozens

wounded in suicide-bombings

in the capital, Kabul. Islamic

State claimed responsibility.

The president of



Emmanuel Macron, visited


, where he said the

rise ofChinawas “good

news”. But he also called for

“balance” in the region, and

said it was important to

preserve “rule-based

development” there.

Let us in

Around150 people in a cara-

van ofmigrants from



that has beenmak-

ing itsway throughMexico

arrived at the borderwith the

United States and attempted to

claimasylum. Immigration

agents initially claimed the

checkpoint was at full capacity

but later started slowly

processing their applications.

Donald Trump accused the

migrants of “openly defying

our border”.

Tens of thousands of people

continued to throng



streets in peaceful de-

monstrations for and against

the authoritarian socialist

government ofDaniel Ortega.

The Catholic church and stu-

dents groups tried to open

talkswith the regime. Activists

demanded an investigation of

the at least 63 deaths in recent

riots, duringwhichMrOrte-

ga’smen used live bullets.

Prosecutors in


filed new

corruption charges against Luiz

Inácio Lula da Silva, a former

president whowas recently

jailed, and other leaders of the

Workers’ Party for allegedly

accepting bribes fromOde-

brecht, a construction firm.

A tower block caught fire and

collapsed in

São Paulo

. The

abandoned building had been

illegally occupied by some 150

families. Dozens of residents


A straight Rod

Rod Rosenstein, America’s

deputy attorney-general,

defended Robert Mueller’s

investigation into Russian links

with aides to Donald Trump,

and said that the Department

of Justice “is not going to be

extorted” by threats from




Agitated congressmen have

drafted articles of impeach-

ment against Mr Rosenstein,

who a year ago appointedMr

Mueller as the special counsel

leading the inquiry.

Relations between theWhite

House and theMueller in-

vestigation could be about to

get tetchier, with news that Ty

Cobb is to be replaced as the

head ofMr Trump’s

legal team

by Emmet Flood, who repre-

sented Bill Clinton during his

impeachment hearings.

Bibi’s big show



primeminister, produced

documents suggesting that


liedwhen it said it had

never tried to develop a

nuclear bomb. Theworld’s

intelligence agencies had long

assumed asmuch, and little of

the evidencewas new. Mr

Netanyahu did not offer

evidence that Iran continued

bomb-building after signing an

agreement with America in

2015 intended to stop it from

doing so. Abarrage ofmissiles,

suspected to have been fired

by Israel, struck Iranian bases




Mahmoud Abbas, the leader

of the



said that Jews had suffered

persecution in Europe because

of their involvement in

money-lending and banking.

A rash of attacks on Jews in

Germany has prompted the

country’s newcommissioner

for fighting anti-Semitism to

call for better information

about the perpetrators.

Scores of peoplewere killed in

suicide-bomb attacks on a

mosque andmarket in north-



. The attackswere

blamed on Boko Haram, a

jihadist group, and came a day

after Donald Trump promised

more help for Nigeria in its

fight against the terrorists.

The government of


campaigned to pass a referen-

dum that would change the

constitution and allowPresi-

dent Pierre Nkurunziza to stay

in power for another16 years.

A former rebel leader, Mr

Nkurunziza has been in charge

since 2005 and believes that

Godwants him to keep ruling.

Cleaning up a Ruddy mess

Amber Rudd resigned as


home secretary, as

theWindrush scandal unfold-

ed. Her position became

untenablewhen targets for

enforcing the return of people

to Jamaica and other former

Commonwealth countries

were leaked. Ms Rudd had

denied that such targets exist-

edwhen giving evidence to a

parliamentary select commit-

tee. Shewas seen bymany as a

shield for TheresaMay, the

primeminister, who ran the

Home Officewhen the “hostile

environment” policy for

immigrantswas introduced.

Sajid Javid, whose parents

were Pakistani immigrants,

was appointed as the new

home secretary.

Mr Javid, meanwhile, report-

edly threwhis support behind

the hard Brexiteers on a cabi-

net committee that scuppered

MrsMay’s plan to sign offon a

“customs partnership”




when Britain leaves the

union. The Brexiteers backa

“maximum facilitation”

proposal on customs, based on

futuristic and untested tech-

nology. The cabinet is still

discussing the options.


capital, Yerevan,

was largely shut down as

hundreds of thousands of

people poured onto the streets,

demanding that the liberal

opposition leader, Nikol Pashi-

nian, bemade primeminister.

The ruling party has so far

rejected this.


The world this week