The Economist
May 5th 2018
ARELY do optimism and
North Korea belong in the
same breath. However, the
smiles and pageantry in April’s
encounter between Kim Jong
Un and Moon Jae-in, leaders of
the two Koreas, hinted at a deal
inwhich the Northwould aban-
don nuclear weapons in exchange for a security guarantee
from the world, and in particular America. Sadly, much as this
newspaper wishes for a nuclear-free North Korea, a lasting
deal remains as remote as the summit of Mount Paektu. The
Kims are serial cheats and nuclearweapons are central to their
grip on power (see Asia section). Moreover, even as optimists
focus on Korea, nuclear restraints elsewhere are unravelling.
By May 12th President Donald Trump must decide the fate
of the deal struck in 2015 to curb Iran’s nuclear programme.
ThisweekBinyaminNetanyahu, Israel’s primeminister, gave a
presentation that seemed designed to get Mr Trump to pull
America out. He may well oblige. Worse, within three years
current agreed limits on the nuclear arsenals of Russia and
America are set to lapse, leaving them unconstrained for the
first time in almost half a century (see Briefing).
In the cold war a generation of statesmen, chastened by
conflict and the near-catastrophe of the Cuban missile crisis,
used arms control to lessen the riskof annihilation. Even then,
nuclear war was a constant fear (see Books section). Their suc-
cessors, susceptible tohubris and facedwithnewtensions and
newtechnology, are increasing the chances that nuclearweap-
ons will spread and that someone, somewhere will miscalcu-
late. Acomplacent world is playingwith Armageddon.
One problem is that the critics of arms control overstate its
aims so as to denigrate its accomplishments. Opponents of the
Iran deal, such as John Bolton, Mr Trump’s newnational secu-
rity adviser, complain that it has not stopped Iran fromwork-
ing on ballistic missiles or from bullying its neighbours. But
that was never the intent of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of
Action (
), as it is formally known. Instead, for at least ten
years, the pact cuts offIran’s path to a bomb andmakes any fu-
ture attemptmore likely tobe detected early.WhateverMrNet-
anyahu implies, Iran has kept its side of the agreement despite
not gettingmany of the economic benefits it was promised.
Wrecking the Iranian deal has costs. Iran would be freer to
ramp up uranium enrichment, putting it once more in sight of
aweapon. The nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (
), still the
best bulwark against the spread of the bomb, would be under-
mined: other countries in the region, such as Saudi Arabia and
Egypt, may well respond by dusting off their plans to become
nuclear powers; and America would be abandoning a fix that
shores up the
Mr Trumpwould have towork even harder
to convince Mr Kim that he can trust America—especially as
Mr Bolton compares North Korea to Libya, whose leader gave
up a nuclear programme only to be toppled by the West and
butchered a fewyears later.
A second problem is mistrust, heightened since the revival
ofgreat-power competitionbetweenAmerica andRussia after
a post-Soviet lull. That ought to give arms control newurgency;
instead it is eroding it. Take New
, which caps the num-
ber of strategic warheads deployed by Russia and America at
1,550 each. It will expire in 2021 unless Vladimir Putin and Mr
Trump extend it, which looks unlikely. Instead Mr Trump
boasts that America’s nuclear arsenal will return to the “top of
the pack”, bigger andmore powerful than ever before. That re-
pudiates the logic of successive strategic-arms-control agree-
mentswithRussia since1972, whichhave sought toholdback a
nuclear arms race by seeking to define parity.
Fix it, don’t nix it
Or take the insouciance withwhich the likes ofMr Bolton and
his Russian counterparts condemn the Intermediate-Range
Nuclear Forces (
) Treaty. Struck in 1987 by Ronald Reagan
and Mikhail Gorbachev, this deal dismantled 2,700 ground-
launched nuclear missiles with a range of 500-5,500km that
put Europeandeterrence on a hair-trigger. Todayeach side says
the other is violating the
. Mr Bolton et al argue that it is
worth keeping only if it includes countries such as China—
which they knowwill not happen.
Last comes the problem of technology. Better missile de-
fence could undermine mutually assured destruction, which
creates deterrence by guaranteeing that a first strike triggers a
devastating response. Speaking on March 1st, Mr Putin bran-
dished exotic newnuclear weapons he would soon deploy to
counter future American missile defences. A new nuclear
arms race, with all its destabilising consequences, is thus likely.
A cyber-attack to cripple the other side’s nuclear command
and control, which could be interpreted as the prelude to a nu-
clear first strike, is another potential cause ofinstability in a cri-
sis. Verifying the capabilities of software is even harder than
assessing physical entities such as launchers, warheads and
missile interceptors. New approaches are urgently needed.
None is being contemplated.
Extending New
, saving the
, creating norms for
cyber-weapons and enhancing the Iran deal are eminently do-
able, but only if there is sufficient will. For that to gel, today’s
statesmen need to overcome a fundamental misunderstand-
ing. They appear to have forgotten that you negotiate arms-
control agreements with your enemies, not your allies. And
that arms control brings not just constraints onweapons ofun-
imaginable destructive force, but also verification that pro-
vides knowledge of capabilities and intentions. In a crisis, that
can reduce the riskof a fatal miscalculation.
Cherish the scintilla ofhope inNorthKorea, and remember
howarms control needs shoring up. The alternative is a future
where countries arm themselves because they cannot be sure
their enemies will not get there first; where every action could
escalate into nuclear war; where early warnings of a possible
attack give commanders minutes to decide whether to fire
back. Itwould be a tragedy for theworld if it tookan existential
scare like theCubanmissile crisis, orworse, to jolt today’s com-
placent, reckless leaders back to their senses.
Even as America tries to strike a dealwithNorthKorea, arms control elsewhere is unravelling