Cultural anthropology: Understanding ourselves and others

Зохиогч: Crapo R.H.

Дахин хэвлэлт: 3rd ed
Гаралтын мэдээ: Dushkin Pub Group 1993

Шифр: 71.1 C 87.
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Гадаад фонд (1).

Бэлэн (1).
Товч агуулга:
Rather than present Cultural Anthropology as an encyclopedic array of somewhat unrelated facts, this highly successful text focuses on the relationships between these discrete facts, consistently explaining them within the broader context--as individual pieces that combine to make up a whole of the human puzzle. When combined with the text's understandable writing style, free built-in study guide, and excellent illustrations, this helps make Crapo one of the most approachable, student-friendly books available for the Cultural Anthropology course.

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